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Recent news

Here is were you will find our monthly newsletter covering all of the months exciting news, from players making progress to tournament results and coaching and facility news.

Tasmania Tournament Tour

       During the summer holidays Reece travelled to Launceston Tasmania with three players for them to compete in the Launceston Australian Money Tournament and Junior points tournament.

Goals were set for each days play and the players improved at their controllable goals as the tournament progressed.


The player goals were as follows:

-Compete with high intensity for the duration of the match irrelevant of score

- Positive body language to outweigh negative body language

- Combining these two key aspects in matches


        Too often players and coaches focus on the results (winning and losing,) a developmental focus should be on the process not the result. If players are able to say that they competed hard and maintained composure or a positive mindset throughout their match this will have positive long term affects on their game and hold them in good stead for future matches and training sessions. It is important to concentrate on these controllable goals so that players develop good training and competing habits from a young age.The trip was a great success and it was a pleasure travelling with Dani, Laura and Jasmyn, these girls are committed to improving their tennis and good things are in store for their future in tennis.A special thanks to Deb Mcintyre and Karina Farrigia for helping to look after the girls during the tournament.

Jasmyn was very pleased with her results in the tournament. As a coach Reece was more proud of the way the players behaved and achieved the goals we set as a team.





AO Blitz Moorooduc conquers the AO Blitz due to the participation of the many CRISP Tennis Centre students. As a town of only 1000 we did not expect to finish 4th in the country.In finishing 4th we were awarded Victoria Azarenka as our player and Chris and Reece had the pleasure of meeting Victoria and Novak Djokovic on the day of the Australian Open draw.During the Australian Open Tournament Moorooduc was full of excitement riding every win of Victoria’s like it was one of our own. A town party was organized at Crisp Indoor Tennis and the kids especially really enjoyed supporting our player on the day. The LEADER newspaper attended the town party and took a heap of photos on the day as the excitement reached fever pitch. Unfortunately it wasn’t to be for Victoria this year and she went down in the quarterfinals leaving us all a bit deflated, we all enjoyed the Australian Open just a little bit more though due to this new initiative. AO Blitz will be running again for the 2015 Australian Open and we hope Moorooduc and Crisp Indoor Tennis can get behind the initiative again in an even bigger and better way.


Recent article about one of our players Danielle Mcintyre as she was preparing to represent Victoria in the Prestigious Pizzey Cup.

Dromana Tennis Tournament:

During the most recent School Holidays we had many players compete in the Hillview Quarries OJT held at Dromanna. Congratulations to Joel Mcneil who was Runner Up in the boys 12's Doubles. Also congrats to our other players that competed namely Jasmyn, Laura,Zac, Will, Kelsie, Ryan and Nathan. We are proud of all of you for competing in this tournament. Click the link below to be taken to upcoming tournaments.

"Around the world, at all ages, boys throw better — a lot better — than girls. Studies of overhand ball throwing across different cultures have found that pre-pubescent girls throw 51 to 69 percent of the distance that boys do, at 51 to 78 percent of the velocity. As they get older, the differences increase; one U.S. study found that girls age 14 to 18 threw only 39 percent as far as boys (an average of about 75 feet vs. about 192 feet)."

Although most tennis people know that girls struggle to throw as well as boys, it is something that needs to be trained at a young age. With practice and the correct technical work, girls can throw very well, but it requires the coach/parent to focus on tennis-specific throwing mechanics rather than just throwing the ball forward. The big problem most people have is that they do not focus on throwing with a high trajectory (i.e. long tossing) while also trying to maintain a positive shoulder-over-shoulder position (think a good tennis serve position at contact). If the athlete throws with these mechanics at a young age, she will develop good throwing mechanics that will translate into a more effective tennis serve and should help her also be able to hit an effective kick serve.  

Tips From your coach for a better throwing action, in relation to the serve.

1. Stand side on to your target area.

2. Position elbow pointing diagonally to the ground behind you,imagine elbowing a shorter siblingthat is standing behind you. (good imagery this one but never really try it kids)

3. Remain side on throughout action, never swivel those hips and legs before relaease.


There are a few tips to help you on your way,Reece.

Overarm Throwing.

T-Shirts with our new CRISP Logo can be purchased at the centre for $20. Here is Dani in her CRISP T on a recent visit to train with Lleyton Hewitts fitness trainer. Nathan Martin.

CRISP Tees' for purchase.

Parents have key role in the development of their child's tennis.

I have yet to meet a parent who did not want the best for his or her child. Parents do love their children. And maybe that’s the problem; this love gets misconstrued with thinking that the parent always knows what is best for the child. In life, yes, it’s the parent’s role to love, nurture, discipline, teach and support. There is no question that if parents take this role in their child’s life, the child has a chance to grow in a healthy way. It is when the parent crosses boundaries (and that is the key word – boundaries) that problems occur. Very few parents (and yes, I acknowledge that some parents have done it and done it well) have the capability to be a parent and a tennis coach.

As Paul Annacone has said coach of Roger Federer, “When the player is gone, the person remains.” What a powerful statement from one of our leaders today and also from a former world-ranked player. Having said this, what is the role of a parent in a young tennis player’s life? Before I respond to the question, please know that I believe the parent can play a significantly positive role in player development.

Parents should be a 100 percent support mechanism for the child. Parents can play a huge role in helping children understand the importance of balance and rest, how to respect their coaches and peers, how to eat better, and how to abide by the rules. A great tennis parent takes the pressure “off” the player and does not “add” more pressure. The research data is significant that the absence of pressure is a major factor in enabling someone to reach what we call the Ideal Performance State, bringing all of his or her talent and skill to life when it counts.


Habits of highly ineffective tennis parents. They are:


  • Blaming

  • Complaining

  • Nagging

  • Threatening

  • Punishing

  • Rewarding


This article was taken from Addvantage Tennis magazine, the magazine for the professional tennis coaches association.


 Monday- Friday 8am-9:30pm


By Appointment

Public Holidays

Fee applies

Office Hours 9-6pm



1275 Stump Gully Rd

Moorooduc Vic 3933


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